website design
Increasing government transparency
Overview is a web platform that tracks the status of legislation in the United States Congress and allows citizens to follow the bills and members of Congress and Senate that they care about.
My Contribution
UX design, web design, front-end development

Growing trust
Civic technologist Dr. Joshua Tauberer reached out to me to lead the redesign of his long-lived and massively popular government transparency site,
While functional, the GovTrack site at that time was already in use for over a decade, and the design of the site was detrimental to the perception of the site as a reliable and quality source of government information.
Our goal in the redesign project was to increase user engagement by improving the clarity and ease of use of the site, and also by designing a trustworthy, authoritative personality for the platform.
Beginning with an extensive UX design phase, we mapped out the new content structure and user flow using sketches and interactive wireframe prototypes, which were extremely useful for us to hammer out any issues.
Once the structure was in place, I began the design of the pages. I then worked with Josh (the developer) to provide front-end HTML/CSS development support, bringing the design to life.